..: V A R A L I :.. Simmish Eyes [FATPACK]

So imagine you're a mage about to enter battle, and you and your mana are so pumped that it shows through your eyes! That's what I'm getting from these eyes. Take a look at them! You appear to be about to perform fire magic. It's incredible! This pack is called ..: V A R A L I :.. Simmish Eyes [FATPACK] (click to go to mp) and cost 200 Linden on Marketplace. The colors' names are Amber, Black, Blue, Blue2, Blue3, Blue4, Brown, Dark Brown, Gold, Gold2, Green, Green2, Green3, Green4, Orange, Orange2, Pink, Pink2, Pink3, Purple, Purple2, Purple3, Purple4, Purple5, Red, Red2, Red3, Silver, Teal. Holy Shit that was a lot ; But soooo many options... sooooo many powers. T hese eye work for Catwa, Genus, Lelutka, Mesh and Bom . You can have two different colored eyes and make a bigger impact if you use the hud. I can't wait to see what Varali make next! Varali Marketplace : https://marketplace.secondl...